如何使用source route进行发送
The NWK route record command records the route along the way, which results in a route
record indication at the gateway. Now, the gateway knows the route back to node “ E. ”
A → B → C → D → E
When the gateway transmits data to node “ E, ” it will indicate a source route in the data
request. As usual, ZigBee specifies the exact over-the-air form of a source routed data
request. A bit in the NWK frame control field indicates the packet is source-routed.
The term “ relay ” merely refers to the intermediate nodes between the gateway and the
destination node (see Figure A.2). They are in the same order as recorded with the route
record command, and the index just indicates the “ next-hop. ”
我的设备拓扑A → B → C
使能many to one,并且有route record后,发送数据时为何不带source route?该如何使用呢
附件为抓到的数据包,···· ·0·· ···· ···· = Source Route Included: [0x0] No
我这里解析你的抓包,route record是 B->A发送的,并不是C->B->A的。
并且,该route record包中是有source route的,如图
@sinan chen
请问终端设备除了文档中的三个参数还需要配置什么吗?现在我抓包里面没有Route Record,是不是我的终端设备没有配置好?
有什么选项可以强制发送时使用source route进行发送