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关于 cc26xx ADC 参考的问题

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:


The ADC automatically scales down the input signal to be within the reference range. It is possible to
disable the scaling, but this requires great care by the user to ensure the maximum ratings in the data
sheet are followed. With scaling enabled, the internal fixed reference looks like 4.3 V compared to the
actual input level. With scaling disabled, the reference is 1.47 V.

automatically scales down the input signal to be within the reference range 应如何理解?



Even though the internal reference is scaled for 4.3 V, the maximum input voltage must never be higher than VDDS (max 3.8 V). The reference is not really 4.3 V, but the input signal is scaled down so the reference looks like 4.3 V relative to the actual input voltage.

Offset- and gain error values are stored in FCFG during production test. These values can be used to increase the accuracy. Right now the best example we have available for using these parameters is the DriverLib code.

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