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CC26xx 只能做 EndDevice,必须和CC253X配合做 Zigbee组网

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:

Each of them supports Coordinator, Router and End Device configurations when used with CC253x platforms and in CC2630/CC2650 platforms End Device is the only configuration supported. 

这是否说明,CC26xx 只能做 EndDevice,必须和CC253X配合做 Zigbee组网?

当然不是,请看一下这句话的前后文:Seven sample applications are included in the Z-Stack Home installer: SampleDoorLock, SampleDoorLockController, SampleLight, SampleSwitch, SampleHeatingCoolingUnit, SampleTemperatureSensor, SampleThermostat, and the SensorTag sample application supported only on the CC2650 SensorTag. Each of them supports Coordinator, Router and End Device configurations when used with CC253x platforms and in CC2630/CC2650 platforms End Device is the only configuration supported.


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