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用IAR下载程序到SmartRF06 CC2650EM板时出现以下Fatal error: The path 'C:\ti\ccs_base' to the Texas Instruments emulation package was not found.

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:

 用IAR下载程序到SmartRF06 CC2650EM板时出现以下Error:

Fatal error: The path 'C:\ti\ccs_base'  to the Texas Instruments emulation package was not found. This package must be installed before you can use the XDS100/200/ICDI emulator. The package installer is found in ...\arm\drivers\ti-xds  If the package is already installed, then check that the  

IAR的版本最好是7.40.3以上,在IAR安装目录下,C:\Program Files (x86)\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench 7.40_3\arm\drivers\ti-xds目录下有个ti_emupack_setup.exe,你安装了看看


Thanks for your answer two years ago!!

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