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时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:

GIT HUB下载的ble_examples-simplelink_sdk-1.40里面的longrange_peripheral例程,放到simplelink_cc2640r2_sdk_1_40_00_45里面编译,总是报以下错误,simplelink_cc2640r2_sdk_1_40_00_45原先的例程编译没问题,麻烦TI工作人员解答一下


我没用IAR,我用的TI的CCS ,没有这个问题。你不用把它放在SDK目录下,直接下载解压就可以使用。

This repository can be cloned and tracked using Git. For instructions on how to clone a repository from Github please refer to this guide: Clone from Github

For users who are unfamiliar with Git, there is the option of downloading the contents of the repository as a zip file. See instructions below.

  1. Click the green "Clone or download" button
  2. Select "Download ZIP" option
  3. Zip folder will appear in your Downloads folder

This repository can be cloned/download anywhere on your computer. There is a dependency between this repository and the SimpleLink CC2640R2 SDK install location.

By default the SimpleLink CC2640R2 SDK will install to:


If the Simplelink CC2640R2 SDK must be installed to a different location, then see the FAQ page for IDE specific instructions for changing environment variables.

  • CCS v7.2.0 with TI ARM Compiler v16.09
  • IAR for ARM v8.11.2

另外请您到Project->Option->C/C++ Complier界面,Extra Options下面找一找是不是有对应的命令行语句。

Extra Options有对应的命令行,但config文件夹下缺少对应的iar_boundary.bdef文件,我从其他地方复制过来就可以编译了

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