首页 > 研发问答 > 无线和射频 > TI蓝牙设计交流 > 哪里看CC2540的RF详细参数,过认证用的


时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:



Hi di,

关于认证测试, 请参考wiki 上 test & certification 中内容:


请问可以先在电脑测试一下么 那个PTM模式 


板子的P0.4脚是拉低 进入


但是我串口软件发送01 1D 20 01 01

这些格式的 都没有回应


求大神回答啊 急急急

请看这个WIKI,详细介绍了PTM的操作步骤: http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/PTM

我的意思是 我已经按照那个操作步骤了 但是还是没反映 怎么办

请问有现成的keyfob  2540的 UART双线的


我直接拿来用好了 谢谢

A PC is connected to one CC2540USB dongle running the HostTestRelease project (included with our SDK). The PC also has a UART connection with the Device Under Test (DUT). When the DUT is powered up, it must have one GPIO held the opposite of what it normally would be held. For example, if the GPIO normally has a resistor tied to ground on the PCB, you would need to make sure that before powering up for test that the pin is connected high to VDD. In the application source code initialization function, be sure that the following line of code is included:

#include “hci.h” if( GPIO == VDD ) // change the if statement to match the HW setup on the PCB { HCI_EXT_EnablePTM(); } With this code in the application and with the GPIO held high, the device will power up and the HCI_EXT_EnablePTM function will get called, which exposes the UART pins to enable test commands. As far as the USB dongle goes, you will need to have the driver loaded. The driver is included with our stack at C:\Texas Instruments\BLE-CC254x-1.2\Accessories\Drivers. This driver will create a Windows COM port for communication with the dongle. You will also have another Windows COM port for UART communication with the DUT. For communication with these devices, you will want to use the following port settings:

  • Baud Rate = 115200 (or 57600)
  • Flow Control = Hardware (CTS/RTS)
  • Parity = None
  • Stop Bits = 1
  • Data Bits = 8

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