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BQ20Z45 CC Gain CC Delta 怎么计算的?

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:

读取BQ20Z45,地址0x68,中对应的数据CC Gain = 3.04  -> 0x82 46 4B 73,CC Delta = 3.04 -> 0x94 61 9D 86,但是其并不是标准的浮点数计算方法,



CC Gain:   data flash raw data 0x7F71205C, EVSW reading with: 10.124

Raw data (0x7F71205C) -> first two byte is for exp gain. The exp is 0x7F -> 127, so gain:  (127-128-24) = -25 -> 2^(-25)


The rest is the low address to high address hex read from gauge and it is big endian. Bit 7 of the MSB is used for the sign bit, but in the conversion the mantissa is considered to be shifted so the bit 7 would always be a 1, to preserve the most possible significant bits in the mantissa.  So after determining the sign here, the implied high bit must be set back to one for the conversion to be correct.


0x71205C OR with 0x80 = 0xF1205C -> convert into DEC and times 2^(-25) = 15802460*2^(-25) = 0.47095

CC Gain  = 4.768/x = 4.768/0.47095 = 10.124  (matches!)


CC Delta:   data flash raw data 0x940898C0, EVSW reading: 10.147


Raw data (0x940898C0) -> first two byte is for exp gain. The exp is 0x94 -> 148, so gain = (148-128-24) = -4

0x0898C0 OR with 0x80 = 0x8898C0 -> convert into DEC and times 2^-4 = 559500

CC delta = 5677445/x = 5677445/559500 = 10.147


Board Offset: data flash raw data 0xF6.  EVSW reading : -0.27

F6 -> convert to DEC = -9.

Board offset = x*0.48/16 = -9*0.48/16 = -0.27


CC Offset:  data flash raw data 0xFA89, EVSW reading with new *.encr = -0.67

0xFA89 -> convert to DEC = -1398.

CC offset = x*0.00048 = -1398*0.00048 = -0.67

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