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TPS54260 可以并联达到4A电流吗?

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:

我把TPS54260的反馈接到了LED上面,这样就可以横流输出了.但现在的问题是,发现电流不够 ,可以用两个并联吗?一起做横流输出.

Hi Yang,

    Yes,Theoretically you can operate with two TPS54260 in parallel.  Yo will need to be careful not to operate in eco-mode.  Eco-mode operation is difficult to predict.  If one device is in eco-mode and the other is not you may not share current equally.  That being said, you may not care about absolute current sharing at very light load.  The main issue is at higher loads where one device may be driven to current limit while the other is in light load operation.  Making the COMP pins commom will insure the two devices share current equally in CCM operation but in DCM and especially eco-mode they may not share well.

如果是在PH段开始并联,是不可以的,因为你没有办法让clk 180 degree out of phase, 但是如果在输出端实现同步,你需要check稳定性的问题。

Hi :


   如果你一定要使用TPS54260, 就需要尝试外部加CLK信号,同步2个芯片,见datasheet :http://www.ti.com.cn/cn/lit/ds/symlink/tps54260.pdf 第二十二页。


    或许你可以选择LM3409: http://www.ti.com.cn/cn/lit/ds/symlink/lm3409.pdf  这样大功率LED驱动的芯片设计。

Beijing的design team已经有带current sharing的dual buck,可以咨询北京design  team part的情况。

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