TPS61251DSGR 和TPS61252DSGR有什么区别,两颗料可以替换吗?
TPS61251DSGR 和TPS61252DSGR有什么区别,两颗料可以替换吗?
1.TPS61251 is optimized for charging bulk capacitors
2.TPS61252 is a regular boost converter.
3.TPS61252 current accuracy is 20% vs 10% from TPS61251
4.Snooze Mode only available with TPS61251
5. Power Good function is different for both devices:
PG is set high if the feedback voltage reaches 95% of its nominal value.
The PG comparator operates even in shut down mode when EN is set to low and/or VIN is turned off. This guaranties power good functionality until the capacitor is discharged.
The PG output goes low when:
Vout < 2.3 V and indicates the discharge of the capacitor.
Vout < 2.0 V all internal circuitry is disabled. Therefore the PG open drain output becomes high resistive and follows the voltage the pull-up resistor is connected to.
While the output capacitors are still charged the converter can be disconnected from its supply but it will still supply a follow-on circuitry with energy needed for a secured shut down.