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USB Interface Adapter接到PC端指示灯不亮

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:

之前检测EVM开发版一直工作正常,想试试固话程序,按照使用说明下载DATA FLash后,先断开

USB与PC端再断开与开发板端。在重新连接PC后,发现USB Interface Adapter的指示灯不亮了,而且显示没有安装驱动,不识别设备。


1.2 List of Software Items for Operation
1.3 Step-by-Step Instructions for Operation and Troubleshooting
List of Software Items for Operation
In addition to the previously listed hardware items, the following software also is needed:
• I
2C/GPIO/PMBUS/SMBUS transport layer DLL driver (PMBus Transport (USB HID).dll) created by TI
• Demo GUI software (USB SAA GUI.exe) for I
2C/GPIO/PMBUS/SMBUS application
Both can be downloaded from the TI website in the file "USB interface adapter GUI.zip", which also
contains other accessory files.
The USB interface adapter is recognized by a PC as a generic human interface device (HID), which is
supported by the built-in USB/HID drivers of the Windows operating system. Therefore, it is plug and play
and no proprietary USB driver is required.

上边是sllu093的说明,意思是不需要驱动吗,是我的USB Interface Adapter硬件坏了吗


z在设备管理器内查看是否有COM 口或者USB设备识别

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