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bq28z610 平衡充 充电如何进行配置?

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bq28z610 平衡充 充电如何进行配置?


请参考BQ28Z610的技术参考文档,Chapter 7 Cell Balancing。里面有如下描述:

The algorithm determines the amount of charge needed to fully charge each cell. There is a bypass FET
in parallel with each cell connected to the gas gauge. The FET is enabled for each cell with a charge
greater than the lowest charged cell to reduce charge current through those cells. Each FET is enabled for
a precalculated time as calculated by the cell balancing algorithm. When any bypass FET is turned on,
then the OperationStatus()[CB] flag is set; otherwise, the [CB] flag is cleared.

Cell balancing is enabled if Settings:Balancing Configuration [CB] = 1. Cell balancing at rest can be
enabled separately by setting Balancing Configuration [CBR] = 1. If Settings:Balancing Configuration
[CB] = 0, both cell balancing at charging and at rest are disabled.

上面写了[CB]是被芯片自动设置了1或0 还是需要用bqstudio手动设置为1或0?我看了文档中这部分的,当时认为是[CB]位是内部自动进行设置的,而不需要手动设置,不晓得应该怎么理解?


DATA Memory中settings/configuration/balancing configuration 的bit0(CB)已经是1了,但是operation Status B中的 CB怎么没有置1呢?

OperationStatus()[CB]        Balancing Configuration[CB] = 0  这两个有什么区别?  Balancing Configuration[CB] = 1表示开启平衡充,OperationStatus()[CB]呢?

 Balancing Configuration[CB]表示是否允许均衡。


operation Status B中的 CB是表明当前是否在执行均衡动作。

ettings/configuration/balancing configuration 的bit0(CB)是表明允许电量计使用均衡功能。

Balancing Configuration[CB]表示是否允许均衡。 OperationStatus()[CB]是状态位,表示是否在均衡。----我在给电池充电过程中Balancing Configuration[CB]是设置为1但是OperationStatus()[CB]看不到任何变化,这应该没啥影响吧,开启平衡充,我只需要Balancing Configuration[CB]设置为1即可,是这样的吗


建议详细阅读BQ28Z610技术参考手册Chapter 7 Cell Balancing。

The bq28z610 can determine the chemical state-of-charge of each cell using the Impedance Track
algorithm. The cell balancing algorithm used in the device decreases the differences in imbalanced cells in
a fully charged state gradually, which prevents fully charged cells from becoming overcharged, causing
excessive degradation. This increases overall pack energy by preventing premature charge termination.

The algorithm determines the amount of charge needed to fully charge each cell. There is a bypass FET
in parallel with each cell connected to the gas gauge. The FET is enabled for each cell with a charge
greater than the lowest charged cell to reduce charge current through those cells. Each FET is enabled for
a precalculated time as calculated by the cell balancing algorithm. When any bypass FET is turned on,
then the OperationStatus()[CB] flag is set; otherwise, the [CB] flag is cleared.

The gas gauge balances the cells by balancing the SOC difference. Thus, a field updated QMax (Update
Status = 0E) is required prior to any attempt of Cell Balance Time calculation. This ensures the accurate
SOC delta is calculated for the cell balancing operation. If QMax update has only occurred once (Update
Status = 06), then the gauge will only attempt to calculate the Cell Balance Time if a fully charged state is
reached, GaugingStatus()[FC] = 1.

Cell balancing is enabled if Settings:Balancing Configuration [CB] = 1. Cell balancing at rest can be
enabled separately by setting Balancing Configuration [CBR] = 1. If Settings:Balancing Configuration
[CB] = 0, both cell balancing at charging and at rest are disabled.

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