请教一个问题,BQ34Z100中有两个配置,Suspend Low Temp 和Suspend High Temp,值分别是-5, 55 .BQ34Z100采样的温度值超过了这个范围时,芯片会不会挂起自己?或者说有没有其它事件,会让芯片挂起自己这样的情况发生?谢谢了!
Suspend Low Temp 和Suspend High Temp是充电的过程中温度达到设定的值,CMOS会关闭,
等温度达到release 门限CMOS会自动打开继续充电
谢谢Star Xu1,再问下,电池放电时也会关闭CMOS吗?COMS关闭,电量计就不会对电池进行计量了吧?
The bq78350-R1 offers the option to turn off the CHG FET during an overcurrent in discharge (OCD),
overcurrent in discharge latch (OCDL), overload (AOLD), overload latch (AOLDL) or short circuit in
discharge (ASCD), short circuit in discharge latch (ASCDL) faults, or the DSG FET in overcurrent in
charge (OCC) faults.
The CHG FET will turn off for the OCD, OCDL, AOLD, AOLDL, ASCD, and ASCDL faults when
[DC_CHG_OFF] in Protection Configuration is set.
The DSG FET will turn off for the OCC faults when [CC_DSG_OFF] in Protection Configuration is set.