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时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:



bq78350-R1 ver 1.03 build 22
  - Fixed AFE comm timeout issue with "AFE alert clear sooner" change causing reset.
  - Fixed AFE_R which may trigger when load present bit in system control 1 register is set and
          CHG FET is off, default setting would prevent the AFE_R failure.

bq78350-R1 ver 1.02 build 21
   - Changed address of DynamicPower() cmd to 0x4c from 0x50
   - Fixed LEDCHG/LEDRCA option to work for LCD display as well

bq78350-R1 ver 1.02 build 20
  - Added option to latch OCD safety (OCDL), works same as AFE latching feature.
  - Added option to turn off LCD in sleep mode by setting LCD_SLEEP_DIS in LED configuration register
  - Added feature to clear the AFE Columb counter alert signal sooner, a timer checks every 5ms if alert
    is detected and clear it
  - Fixed Overload/short circuit detection not working in sleep mode under some cases
  - Added bq4050 base code changes including
    * wake from sleep on system Present change to update FET control, will go back to sleep if sleep
      conditions are satisfied
    * fix max saturation current

bq78350-R1 ver 1.01 build 18
  - [Bug #1559] - Set TCA/TDA/OT flag for OTF safety failure and SOTF PF failure
  - [Bug #1564] - Fixed AFE Overide safety failure issue

bq78350-R1 ver 1.01 build 17
 - Based on RTM version 0.06 build 16
 - Modified initial Remcap estimation to be based on Learned FCC instead of
   Qmax Pack
 - Synch AFE and Gauge FET control
 - Fixed Display not triggring if button held for long period of time
 - Add option to require FC=1 to set VDQ
    This require that a charge termination prior to allowing VDQ to be set.
 - RSOCL active in all mode
 - EDV sample counter is not reset, EDV should trigger only after N samples in a row
   however the sample counter is not reset if the voltage goes back above the threshold
 - Added battery removal option to clear current protection
 - Added option to turn off both fet for overcurrent in charge/discharge
 - Added option to initialize RemCap to a percentage value of OCV correlation
    upon exit from reset
 - Enabled Auto Ship Mode
 - Added system in sleep feature
 - Lifetime voltage resolution changed from 20mV to 1mV
 - Added FET temperature and safety
 - Added  gauge internal tempperature measurment
 - Added Dynamic power cmd (0x50) to return calculated power
 - Added AFE override as Temporary safety protection in addition to PF
 - PWRM is driven low BEFORE entering shutdown
 - Fix bq769x0 Gain correction for 3.3 LDO
 - Clear SAFE flag on initialization

bq78350 ver 0.06 build 16
 -[bug #833] Fix rsoc drop at onset of discharge with VFLT_EN

bq78350 ver 0.06 build 15

 - [bug #813] Fix self discharge tracking in sleep
 - [bug #810] Change [PCHG_POL] to default to zero to match EVM hardware
 - [bug #809] Fix corruption on programming auth and unseal codes
   - Previous code only worked if auth key programmed immediately after unseal
     keys. Otherwise the key/code not programmed would be corrupted.
 - [bug #800] Fix safety code to shut off PCHG FET when using external I/O


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