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BQ27541 的 cell0 R_A flag應為多少 ?

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:

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                  請教一下 , 當我成功Learning過後 , ra表裡的cell0 R_A flag 及 Xcell0 R_A flag 的Value應變為多少 ?

                  目前我的cell0 R_A flag從FF55變成0000 , 但Xcell0 R_A flag還是停在FFFF , 請問這樣的結果對嗎 ?

                  文件上是有說明如下 , 意思是只要有一個ra表被啓動就可以運作的意思嗎 ?

                  The purpose for two profiles for the cell is to ensure that at any given time at least one profile is
                  enabled and is being used while attempts can be made to update the alternate profile without
                  interference. Having two profiles also helps reduce stress on the flash memory. At the beginning of
                  each of the two subclasses (profiles) is a flag called Cell0 R_a flag or xCell0 R_a flag. This flag is a
                  status flag that indicates the validity of the table data associated with this flag and whether this
                  particular table is enabled/disabled


正常只要1个Ra table被enabled即可,可以是cell0也可以是xcell0,你注意看下cell0的内阻值应该更新了,可以把cell0 R_A flag改成0055,表明cell0 Ra table已经更新过且正被选中作为当前内阻表使用。

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