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时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:
求助大家:系统是centOS6.5,gcc-4.4.7,scl-11.5,vcs 2014.03
我刚装了VCS, 根据论坛的资源“破解”了,但是在启动的时候出现下列信息, 求教如何解决,是license不能用了吗?
$vcs -help
Sorry, Linux version 2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64 is not supported

For assistance, please contact technical support
at vcs_support@synopsys.com or call 1-800-VERILOG

$vcs -gui
Sorry, Linux version 2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64 is not supported
For assistance, please contact technical support
at vcs_support@synopsys.com or call 1-800-VERILOG

$ dve -mode64
Fatal License Error.
Inconsistent Encryption code in license file.
Make sure that your SNPSLMD_LICENSE_FILE points to the correct server
Please contact VCS Customer Support at 1-800-VERILOG for more information.

$ vcs
VCS MX compilation command help:
(1) Unified use model for all design topologies :
vcs [libname.]<Top Module_Or_Entity_Or_Config> [compile opts]

(2) Two step use model for pure verilog design only :
vcs <source_files> [compile opts]

where frequently used [compile opts] are,
[-debug][-debug_all][-o <log_file_name>][+rad][-cm][-sdf][-P <pli tab>]

For more information,
About the use model (1), Please refer chapter [4] in VCS MX User Guide or
About the use model (2), Please refer chapter [3] in VCS User Guide or
Type vcs -help

$ /usr/synopsys/11.5/amd64/bin/sssverify /usr/synopsys/license/synopsys.dat
Integrity check report for license file "/usr/synopsys/license/synopsys.dat".
Report generated on 23-Nov-2015 (SCL_11.5)
Checking the integrity of the license file....
Valid SSS feature found.
Licensed to mammoth//ZWT 2006
Siteid: <No Site Id>, Server Hostid: 000c29fb3d57, Issued on: N/A
License file integrity check PASSED!
You may now USE this license file to start your license server.
Please don't edit or manipulate the contents of this license file.

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