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Error starting HITKIT 4.0 in cadence 615

时间:03-15 整理:3721RD 点击:
I have recently installed newer version of virtuoso (6.1.5-32bit). My PDK provider is AustriaMicrosystems (AMS). HitKit(version 4) has been installed with all updates avAIlable.
When I start virtuoso (by executing ams_cds command) there are some errors reported in CIW window:

Kind Regards and many thanks in advance for help and suggestions.


from the snap picture, it looks like some environment variables should be assigned before you start installation ... , any readme first file in the PDK ?

please check the Hitkit compatibility with virtuoso

No..I did not get any read me file with this PDK. I have downloaded the Hitkit 4.0 from eetop only.

I am using cadence virtuoso 6.1.5. Which hitkit will be compatible with his version.

which virtuoso version is compatible with hitkit 4.0?

Thank you in advance

plz read your hitkit4.0 release note

Reply 6 # DesignStart

Thank you for the response.. I have attached the readme file that came along with the hitkit download.

Actually I am using virtualbox 5.0 in windows 7 and have installed ubuntu 14.10 in virtualbox. the readme file says it has been tested in RH7. So should I install RH7 to make it work?

yesyou'd better use RH7

Reply 8 # DesignStart
Sorry,I did not read the readme file properly.here are some snaps of readme file.

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