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linux企业版6 DC运行崩溃怎么回事?

时间:03-14 整理:3721RD 点击:
linux企业版6 DC运行崩溃怎么回事?

Fatal: Internal system error, cannot recover.
Release = 'B-2008.09'Architecture = 'linux'Program = 'dc_shell'
'232411252 232411831 10900480 232760541 167677830 167724047 167734258 167791474 153866337 154145915 154210136 153388598 153399185 153410420 150183711 149199923 232150466 233667322 233673402 233674240 232118198 232130577 232150466 233667322 233673402 233832466 233853845 233677431 233879441 232143133 143251190 143234722 143840740 143835257 143848412 143831283 143643962 142956098 142946401 145883077 134620136 134606634 12754118'

Most likely the DC B-2008.09 is not compatible with RHEL 6.


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