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mt2503 各类图片资源所占大小

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:
About the ROM size of MMI image resource:
1.JPG or GIF will be the original size+8bytes(resource header)

2.PNG will be converted into internal for mat,and the size will be SIMilar to the original one+8bytes(resource header).

3.BMP or PBM may be converted into internal for mat,and the size will dependent on the content.However,it will beless than or equal to the original size+8bytes(resource header).
By the way,if you want to see the real ROM size for each image after resource generation,please checkmcu\plutommi\Customer\ResGenerator\image_resource_usage.txt.
There is a column,"Size",which will record the real size for each image.

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