微波EDA网,见证研发工程师的成长! 2025年03月26日 星期三
首页 > 研发问答 > 手机设计讨论 > MTK手机平台交流 > 关于sensor中的sign和map,求指点


时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:
* @sign, map: only used in acceleROMeter/magnetic field
*      sometimes, the sensor output need to be remapped before reporting to php?mod=tag&id=6090" target="_blank" class="relatedlink">Framework.
*      the 'sign' is only -1 or +1 to align the sign for framework's coordinate system
*      the 'map'  align the value for framework's coordinate system. Take accelerometer
*      as an exmaple:
*      assume HAL receives original acceleration: acc[] = {100, 0, 100}
*      sign[] = {1, -1, 1, 0};
*      map[]  = {HWM_CODE_ACC_Y, HWM_CODE_ACC_X, HWM_CODE_ACC_Z, 0};
*      according to the above 'sign' & 'map', the sensor output need to remap as {y, -x, z}:
*      float resolution = unit_numerator*GRAVITY_EARTH/unit_denominator;
*      acc_x = sign[0]*acc[map[0]]*resolution;
*      acc_y = sign[1]*acc[map[1]]*resolution;
*      acc_z = sign[2]*acc[map[2]]*resolution;  

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