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关于Electrical Net的讨论

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:

    在高速设计中,经常要求等长设计,并且一般都要求接入匹配电阻。由于接入的匹配电阻,本来应该是一根导线,变成了2个网线,这给做约束带来的困难。若接入的是一个匹配电阻,mentor会自动识别将这两段网线认为是同一个electrical net,如下图说明:

Electrical Net

An electrical net is a combination of two or more nets according to the following rules:

  1. There is a series element, such as a resistor between the nets.

  2. One of the nets contains a digital pin (input, output, <!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment-->tri-state<!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment-->, <!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment-->bi-directional<!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment-->, open emitter, open collector, open drain).

Restriction: Supply nets are ignored.

Naming Electrical Nets

One of the net names in the electrical net is used to name the electrical net using the following rules:

  1. It is chosen from those nets that have a driver.

  2. If no net has a driver, nets with I/O pins are used.

  3. The net name that occurs first alphabetically in the list derived from either rule 1 or 2 is used to name the electrical net. For example, if nets J1-2, B5-23 and L4-23 comprise your electrical net the electrical net is named B5-23.

Result: Any time an electrical net is displayed in this application the ^^^ character string is added to the end of the net name (e.g. U2-8^^^).

    但是,一般总线上,为了节省PCB面积,一般都采用排阻。很明显,排阻是8个腿或16个腿,Mentor不会认为它是Series element。这样问题就来了,需要对每一个net做长度约束,否则若对排阻的两段做等长约束的话,则有些线会甩不开。

    问题:如何让Mentor识别类似排阻这样的器件,让其自动或手动识别是Electrical Net。


在mentor pcb界面  有一个菜单工具,用于建立诸如电阻,电容,电感,电阻排的IBIS模型,建立一个电阻排模型,在ces中选择part选项卡,找到相应的电阻排,导入其ibis模型即可。

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