Version: 01.01.00
The PDBs listed in the project file will be searched to satisfy the parts
requirements of the CDB only for parts not already found in the
Target PDB.
The schematic source is a DxDesigner Generic Data Base.
The AllowAlphaRefDes status indicates that reference
designators containing all alpha characters should be deleted
and the relevant symbols repackaged.
DxDesigner Data Base has been read
Target PDB Name: Work\Layout_Temp\PartsDB.pdb
ERROR: Unable to open Source Parts Data Base F:\MentorGraphics\PartsDBLibs\CON.pdb for reading.
Suspending getting parts by Part Number.
ERROR: Unable to create local PDB
ERROR: Problem Making Local Parts DataBase
DataBase Load is being terminated with 3 errors and 0 warnings.
Logic Data has NOT been Compiled.
注意看这句:“ERROR: Unable to open Source Parts Data Base F:\MentorGraphics\PartsDBLibs\CON.pdb for reading.”