anyone was at work on RF design?
Do anyone work on RF design and RF layout ?I knew that ADS tool have been used RF design for get more accurate simulation,and this process import IFF format file into DA/BA from ADS schematic is very importment ,but have anyone can finish it perfectly?If anyone got it,let us make a communion。
By the way ,I used MENTOR EN layout tool。
No one understand about RF layout in boardstation?
没有人用ADS仿真RF电路吗?没有人用EN来layout RF电路吗?ADS和EN可是RF的最佳partner,难道就我一个人用?
我已经做了几个RF layout的设计,用的是:用ADS仿真,OK之后导入ADS原理图到DA,加上控制电路完善原理图,然后用boardstation来layout,这样就可以用到ADS里面的各种微带线和各种形状的线,也就是可以共享ADS的库,这样做RF很方便。
there is very less people to use en to layout
but EN is perfect layout tool, 5555555555555555555
I have the en and ADS tools, but I am a begainer, I am reading the english help files to study en.DE and en.DVE, i am almost crystal clear about DE, I just read 1/5 of help files.
but i don't install the ADS in my computer!
聊聊吧。 我不会ads,只会用en,呵呵