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About Differencial pair in expedition?

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:

How are you?

Could you please provide us some assistance if possible!

We are working on a PCB project where we have to route
differential pair signals (100ohm ones), with some restrictions in trace
as spacing between the two wire from the differential pair and as length
restrictions. We have using RE application for this. We have introduced
all the restrictions but are not respected after the routing is
done...have you faced this issues previously?

Please help me if you know some solutions.Thanks!

Usually I made the backplane designs in Mentor En2004(SP2), I had to route a lot of differential pair traces but they are all routed manually. If you think it is OK for your applications, please communicate with me. My MSN is mudupig#hotmail.com and E-mail address is mudupig#163.com. Cheers.

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