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nios 13.0中Simple socket server 例程 的调试问题

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:
最近仿照网上相关的一些例程,在nios中调试三速以太网,使用的是百兆rgmii接口,但是好多天了一直不能调通,打印信息显示能连上phy,IP地址和MAC地址也能读到,程序运行显示初始化也成功了,但是一直ping 不通 ,现在实在是不知道问题出在哪里了,希望有相关经验的同学出来指导一下,谢谢。   
nios2-terminal: connected to hardware target using JTAG UART on cable
nios2-terminal: "USB-Blaster [USB-0]", device 1, instance 0
nios2-terminal: (Use the IDE stop button or Ctrl-C to terminate)
=============== Software License Reminder ================
This software project uses an unlicensed version of the NicheStack TCP/IP
Network Stack - Nios II Edition. If you want to ship resulting object
code in your product, you must purchase a license for this software from
Altera. For information go to: "http://www.altera.com/nichestack"
InterNiche Portable TCP/IP, v3.0
Copyright 1996-2003 by InterNiche Technologies. All rights reserved.
Your Ethernet MAC address is 00:07:ed:ff:8f:11
Static IP Address is
prepared 1 interface, initializing...
SGDMA desc memory cleared
[phyID] 0x12 141 cc2
[netif_tse] found Marvell 88E1111 PHY
[triple_speed_ethernet_init] Speed is 100 is 1  Full Duplex is 1
OK, x=0, CMD_CONFIG=0x00000000
MAC post-initialization: CMD_CONFIG=0x0400020b
[tse_sgdma_read_init] RX descriptor chain desc (1 depth) created
IP address of et1 :
Created "Inet main" task (Prio: 2)
Created "clock tick" task (Prio: 3)
Simple Socket Server starting up
[sss_task] Simple Socket Server listening on port 30
Created "simple socket server" task (Prio: 4)


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