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LTE数据处理部分称为SAE Gateway ,请问SAE是什么缩写?

时间:07-14 整理:3721RD 点击:

SAE:System Architecture Evolution 系统架构演进

SAE-System Architecture Evolution

Reason for SAE System Architecture Evolution

The SAE System Architecture Evolution offers many advantages over previous topologies and systems used for cellular core networks. As a result it is anticipated that it will be wide adopted by the cellular operators.
SAE System Architecture Evolution will offer a number of key advantages:
  1. Improved data capacity:   With 3G LTE offering data download rates of 100 Mbps, and the focus of the system being on mobile broadband, it will be necessary for the network to be able to handle much greater levels of data. To achieve this it is necessary to adopt a system architecture that lends itself to much grater levels of data transfer.
  2. All IP architecture:   When 3G was first developed, voice was still carried as circuit switched data. Since then there has been a relentless move to IP data. Accordingly the new SAE, System Architecture Evolution schemes have adopted an all IP network configuration.
  3. Reduced latency:   With increased levels of interaction being required and much faster responses, the new SAE concepts have been evolved to ensure that the levels of latency have been reduced to around 10 ms. This will ensure that applications using 3G LTE will be sufficiently responsive.
  4. Reduced OPEX and CAPEX:   A key element for any operator is to reduce costs. It is therefore essential that any new design reduces both the capital expenditure (CAPEX)and the operational expenditure (OPEX). The new flat architecture used for SAE System Architecture Evolution means that only two node types are used. In addition to this a high level of automatic configuration is introduced and this reduces the set-up and commissioning time.

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