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爱立信cf 2a57告警

时间:09-14 整理:3721RD 点击:
有的时候伴随着CF 2a33告警

CF 2a 57在2206新代码中,实际就是分集接收告警

Fault No. SO CF I2A:57
Fault name RX path imbalance
Related faults AO RX I2A:5 – RX path A imbalance
AO RX I2A:6 – RX path B imbalance
AO RX I2A:7 – RX path C imbalance
AO RX I2A:8 – RX path D imbalance
AO TX I1B:35 – RX path imbalance
SO CF RU:40 – Antenna
Description This fault occurs together with a pinpointed antenna, if the difference
in signal strength between two antennas in the same antenna system
exceeds the limits defined using the OMT function Define RX Path
Imbalance Parameters. If the class 1 limit is exceeded, the related fault
AO TX I1B:35 is also issued and the TX will be disabled.
The supervision of this fault is based on measurements over a long time
duration, hence the fault does not cease as soon as the fault condition is
corrected. The RX imbalance monitor must therefore be used to verify
the correction of the fault condition.
When the fault condition has been corrected, reset the TRU to cause
the fault to terminate immediately.
Observe, If the fault condition was not corrected, the fault will be reported
again when at least the minimum number of samples has been collected.
The minimum number of samples is defined by the Define RX Path
Imbalance Parameters function in the OMT.
Action Follow the instructions below until the fault is corrected:
• Check the defined RX path invariance limits using the Define RX Path
Imbalance Parameters function in the OMT for the faulty antenna system.
• Check the TX cables/feeders, cable connections inside and outside the
cabinet and antennas, for example with Antenna System SWR tests. For
information about how to perform a SWR test see Verifying Antenna
Systems or Antenna System Tests in the CPI for the relevant RBS.
• Reset the TRU


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