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Symbian 摄像头编程预研

时间:10-08 来源:互联网 点击:

ch = 0x0040,

/** User configurable mode */

EWBManual = 0x0080







Sets the digital zoom factor.

This must be in the range of 0 to TCameraInfo::iMaxDigitalZoom inclusive.

May leave with KErrNotSupported if the zoom factor is out of range.

@param aDigitalZoomFactor

The required digital zoom factor.


virtual void SetDigitalZoomFactorL(TInt aDigitalZoomFactor = 0)=0;


Gets the currently set digital zoom factor.

@return The currently set digital zoom factor.


virtual TInt DigitalZoomFactor() const=0;


Sets the zoom factor.

This must be in the range of TCameraInfo::iMinZoom to TCameraInfo::iMaxZoom

inclusive. May leave with KErrNotSupported if the specified zoom factor is

out of range.

@param aZoomFactor

Required zoom factor.


virtual void SetZoomFactorL(TInt aZoomFactor = 0)=0;


Gets the currently set zoom factor.

@return The currently set zoom factor.


virtual TInt ZoomFactor() const=0;


另外,经过对N81和E71的参数比较,N81的iMaxDigitalZoomFactor是20.0,而E71是4.0,正好对应N81的20倍数码变焦,E71的4倍数码变焦。因为很多手机摄像头镜头都不支持光学变焦,所以在这里对我们有用的也就是只需要通过DigitalZoomFactor和 SetDigitalZoomFactorL两个函数在iMaxDigitalZoomFactor范围内设置数码变焦值就可以了。



enum TFormat


/** 8 bit greyscale values, 0=black, 255=white. */

EFormatMonochrome = 0x0001,

/** Packed RGB triplets, 4 bits per pixel with red in the least significant bits

and the 4 most significant bits unused. */

EFormat16bitRGB444 = 0x0002,

/** Packed RGB triplets, 5 bits per pixel for red and blue and 6 bits for green,

with red in the least significant bits. */

EFormat16BitRGB565 = 0x0004,

/** Packed RGB triplets, 8 bits per pixel with red in the least significant bits

and the 8 most significant bits unused. */

EFormat32BitRGB888 = 0x0008,

/** JFIF JPEG. */

EFormatJpeg = 0x0010,

/** EXIF JPEG */

EFormatExif = 0x0020,

/** CFbsBitmap object with display mode EColor4K. */

EFormatFbsBitmapColor4K = 0x0040,

/** CFbsBitmap object with display mode EColor64K. */

EFormatFbsBitmapColor64K = 0x0080,

/** CFbsBitmap object with display mode EColor16M. */

EFormatFbsBitmapColor16M = 0x0100,

/** Implementation dependent. */

EFormatUserDefined = 0x0200,

/** 4:2:0 format, 8 bits per sample, Y00Y01Y10Y11UV. */

EFormatYUV420Interleaved = 0x0400,

/** 4:2:0 format, 8 bits per sample, Y00Y01Y02Y03...U0...V0... */

EFormatYUV420Planar = 0x0800,

/** 4:2:2 format, 8 bits per sample, UY0VY1. */

EFormatYUV422 = 0x1000,

/** 4:2:2 format, 8 bits per sample, Y1VY0U. */

EFormatYUV422Reversed = 0x2000,

/** 4:4:4 format, 8 bits per sample, Y00U00V00 Y01U01V01... */

EFormatYUV444 = 0x4000,

/** 4:2:0 format, 8 bits per sample, Y00Y01Y02Y03...U0V0... */

EFormatYUV420SemiPlanar = 0x8000,

/** CFbsBitmap object with display mode EColor16MU. */

EFormatFbsBitmapColor16MU = 0x00010000


因为N81主摄像头的iImageFormatsSupported值为480(也即0x01E0),所以支持的格式为EFormatExif、EFormatFbsBitmapColor4K、 EFormatFbsBitmapColor64K和 EFormatFbsBitmapColor16M四种。


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