首页 > 硬件设计 > 嵌入式设计 > 嵌入式ARM-Linux平台上的编译、配置和运行使用


时间:11-10 来源:互联网 点击:
= unauthorize a peer

p2p_presence_req [ ] [ ] = request GO presence
p2p_ext_listen [ ] = set extended listen timing
p2p_remove_client = remove a peer from all groups
sta_autoconnect <0/1> = disable/enable automatic reconnection
tdls_discover = request TDLS discovery with
tdls_setup = request TDLS setup with
tdls_teardown = tear down TDLS with
signal_poll = get signal parameters
pktcnt_poll = get TX/RX packet counters
reauthenticate = trigger IEEE 802.1X/EAPOL reauthentication
raw = Sent unprocessed command
flush = flush wpa_supplicant state
radio_work = radio_work

Setwpa_supplicant.confto the following:

You have to change the values according to the response of
# wpa_passphrase


ctrl_interface=/var/run/wpa_supplicantctrl_interface_group=0eapol_version=1# ap_scan=2 was the one for me you may try 0 or 1 indstead of 2ap_scan=2fast_reauth=1network={ssid="my_network"proto=WPAkey_mgmt=WPA-PSKpairwise=TKIPgroup=TKIPpsk="secret_password"}

For WPA2-Personal

ctrl_interface=/var/run/wpa_supplicantctrl_interface_group=0ap_scan=1network={ssid="my_network"proto=RSNkey_mgmt=WPA-PSKpairwise=CCMP TKIPgroup=CCMP TKIPpsk="secret_password"}

Bringing up the network card manually
Bring up the network interface with
# ifconfig ath0 up
At the moment there is a problem within the madwifi driver or wpa_supplicant passing dhcp. That??s why I use a fixed IP.

There are two patches one for wpa_supllicant (http://hostap.epitest.fi/bugz/show_bug.cgi?id=63) and one for madwifi

(http://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.drivers.madwifi.devel/1275). Each one is supposed to work.
Change the routes and add the default gateway.
Bringing up the device at boottime (forGentoousers)
Make a symbolic link

# cd /etc/init.d/

# ln -s net.lo net.ath0


##net#modules=( "wpa_supplicant" )wpa_supplicant_ath0="-Dmadwifi"modules=( "wpa_supplicant" )wpa_timeout_ath0=60config_ath0=(" netmask")routes_ath0=("default gw ")

Add net.ath0 to the default runlevel by executing

# rc-update add net.ath0 default

Make sure all needed modules are in/etc/modules.autoload/2.x


iwis a new nl80211 (802.11 netlink interface) based CLI configuration utility for wireless devices.

Netlink Protocol Library Suite

iw requires theNetlink Protocol Library Suite (libnl)

Download, cross compile and install the Netlink Protocol libraries:

wget http://www.infradead.org/~tgr/libnl/files/libnl-3.2.24.tar.gz

tar -xzf libnl-3.2.24.tar.gz

cd libnl-3.2.24

./configure --host=arm-linux-gnueabi --prefix=/usr/arm-linux-gnueabi


make install

cd include

make install


With the Netlink Protocol Library Suite prerequisite installed, download and build theiwnl80211 based CLI configuration utility:

wget https://www.kernel.org/pub/software/network/iw/iw-3.15.tar.gz

tar -xzf iw-3.15.tar.gz

cd iw-3.15/

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/arm-linux-gnueabi/lib/pkgconfig

export CC=arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc


Manually install iw and required libraries on your target root-fs:

cp iw /home/export/rootfs/sbin/

cp /usr/arm-linux-gnueabi/lib/libnl-genl-3.so.200 /home/export/rootfs/lib/

cp /usr/arm-linux-gnueabi/lib/libnl-3.so.200 /home/export/rootfs/lib/

And update the dynamic linker run-time bindings on your target:

ldconfig -v


hostapdis an 802.11 Access Point and IEEE 802.1X/WPA/WPA2/EAP/RADIUS Authenticator daemon.

Download, extract and build hostapd:

wget http://hostap.epitest.fi/releases/hostapd-2.2.tar.gz

tar -xzf hostapd-2.2.tar.gz

cd hostapd-2.2/hostapd

cp defconfig .config

make CC=arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc

make install DESTDIR=/home/export/rootfs


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