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时间:12-15 来源:互联网 点击:

LED dimmer by I2C.

[问:hedaizhu] I2C是否只应用于系统内部,有无硬件或软件支持与其它总线良好沟通。
[答:Victor] I2C can be applied by both layout on PCB and also extenal cable, but need to care the capacitance issue, for more detail, pls email to i2c.support@philips.com
[问:chunsen] 能否介绍I2C总线在数码彩电中的应用和优点?
[答:Paul] Using I2C, you can reduce the resource on your DSP and get more solutions to do you application, like keypad, signals controlling and communication.
[问:microftp] 能否介绍一下I2C总线通讯过程中容错处理
[答:Bruce] I2C总线上的Receiver接收到每一条8位数据后都会发送一个Acknowledge码,以确认收到数据的正确。如果Transmitter没有收到这个确认码,则意味着发送数据出错
[问:robotone] 该总线目前的竞争对手有那些?与竞争对手比较,优势何在?该总线在实时性很强的应用中是否会受到限制?
[答:Timothy] There always competitors in every applications, for I2C, we are at the leading position, and we provide most of the devices; and of course, we will keep moving on it with the leading customers to fulfill their need.
[问:hdan] 对I2C的上拉电平和上拉电阻的取值不是很理解,可否介绍一下?谢谢
[答:Victor] to calculate the value of resistor, you should refer to application note, pls visit our website for more information or email to i2c.support@philips.com
[问:hanzhaoqin] 不同电压的I2C芯片要加不同的上拉电平,还是加最高的上拉电压?
[答:Paul] I hope you can separate them. If not, please note these ICs tolerance voltage. In fact, it"s difficult to work on low voltage on high operating voltage IC.
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 恭喜您,苏州宇达国际贸易有限公司的jacey经过 电脑 抽奖您在本次座谈中获得一部MP3播放器。请网名为jacey的用户与中电网联系(8610-82888222-7009 或 lilin@chinaecnet.com)。

[问:wujue8088] 如果超过8个节点,如何识辨
[答:Alex] 1 使用我们的i2C mux/switch器件在不同时刻隔离
2 考虑使用带有更多地址位的器件
[问:applebig] 隔离和,将SLAVE5复位后还可以继续在系统中使用吗?
[答:Alex] 对不起,请提出完整清晰的问题 -:)
[问:小狮子] I2C总线使用了几位地址码,最多能支持多少个设备?
[答:Paul] Basically, 7 bits but we have 10 bits devices. Base on your equipment and PCB capacitance.
[问:liguilin] iic总线不工作时,是不是应该让总线为高阻状态?
[答:Paul] No need.
[问:david] 我的系统有三个单片机。使用I2C通信。平时都处于接收的状态,也就是被控。能行吗?这样任何一个发。另外的两个都可以收。没有主控。只有输出时才控制总线。变为输出。我不知道能不能实现。谢谢/。
[答:Victor] One MASTER must be exist in system to control the slave devices, if no Master in system, all the slave devices will not work.
[问:gaoying1982] i2c总线与普同的51单片机的txd与rxd相比,有什么不同,它的最大有优点是什么
[答:Vincent] MCU Txd and Rxd is the UART serial communcation output port and input port respectively. UART and I2C is a different serial communcation with different protocol and spec.
[问:Mike.G] 是否有IIC的接口IC,即可以设定为Master也可以Slave?
[答:Paul] No, I2C device should be defined be Master or Slave. So Slave device can"t be Master, but Master could be slave, like PCA9564 or other MCUs.
[问:chinesehuhong] 以后I2C总线将会加强哪些性能?或则说以后应用发展中,这个总线需要完善些什么?
[答:Timothy] I2Cbus is now the de facto standard serial bus for maintenance, control and configuration in most electronic platforms, so we will keep working with leading companies to enhance the functions, and it is all customer required.
[问:hyzjj_1981] I2C总线与DSP的结合,这方面的研究工作现况如何?
[答:Timothy] I2C/SMBus is now the de facto standard serial bus for maintenance, control and configuration in most electronic platforms, so there are a lot of chip makers integrated I2C into their chip design, and so is Philips
[问:dabao123] IIC AD转换器的种类好象不是很多,您能给推荐几个吗?
[答:Paul] No, we have no the kind of IC in philips, but these parts will be designed in the future.
[问:bisojz] 我的I2C总线上存在100KHz和32KHz频率器件应如何处理呢?
[答:Timothy] We will suggest you to split these items into different bus to keep the best operation mode
[问:zhanghm7522] I2C总线的时钟芯片,时钟不准怎么办?如PCF8563
[答:Paul] I will send this problem to the right person, it"s not my responsible part

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