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C++test在对Tornado 2.2-VxWorks-5.5 simulator 下

时间:06-20 来源:互联网 点击:

使用C++test在Tornado 2.2-VxWorks-5.5 simulator 下针对CPP代码做单元测试时,出现不能获取测试结果的问题,反复侦测问题的缘由,查看帮助文档,终于在帮助文档中找到如下一些说明:

“The default build of VxWorks-5.5 simulator (%WIND_BASE%targetconfigsimpcvxWorks.exe; Tornado-2.2) doesn't contain enough C++ features to satisfy C++test's C++ instrumentation needs in its default mode. Thus, to test C++ code, you either need to build your own VxSim image with scaled-up C++ support (we recommend using all C++ features except complex numbers; at minimum) or you need to add the -DCPPTEST_SPECIAL_STD_EXCEPTIONS_HANDLING_ENABLED=0 definition to the project compilation flags. This issue does not affect VxWorks-5.4 (Tornado-2.0).”


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