开关电源控制IC,采用高压EZ-HV SOI工艺和BiCMOS工艺制造,包括高压功率开关和直接从火线电压整流的起动电路,通用电源功率高达30W,火线电压从80 V到276 V,待机功耗低于100mW,主要用在充电器,适配器,STB,DVD,TV/监视器待机电源和PC外设.本文介绍了TEA152x主要特性和优势,方框图以及STARplug Mini演示板主要特性和多种配置电路图与相应的元件列表.
TEA152x:SMPS ICs for low-power systems
The TEA152x family STARplug is a Switched Mode Power Supply (SMPS) controller IC that operates directly from the rectified universal mains. It is implemented in the high-voltage EZ-HV SOI process, combined with a low-voltage Bipolar Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (BiCMOS) process. The device includes a high-voltage power switch and a circuit for start-up directly from the rectified mains voltage.A dedicated circuit for valley switching is built in, which makes a very efficient slim-line electronic power-plug concept possible.
In its most basic version of application, the TEA152x family acts as a voltage source.Here, no additional secondary electronics are required. A combined voltage and current source can be realized with minimum costs for external components. Implementation of the TEA152x family renders an efficient and low cost power supply system.
TEA152x:SMPS ICs for low-power systems
The TEA152x family STARplug is a Switched Mode Power Supply (SMPS) controller IC that operates directly from the rectified universal mains. It is implemented in the high-voltage EZ-HV SOI process, combined with a low-voltage Bipolar Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (BiCMOS) process. The device includes a high-voltage power switch and a circuit for start-up directly from the rectified mains voltage.A dedicated circuit for valley switching is built in, which makes a very efficient slim-line electronic power-plug concept possible.
In its most basic version of application, the TEA152x family acts as a voltage source.Here, no additional secondary electronics are required. A combined voltage and current source can be realized with minimum costs for external components. Implementation of the TEA152x family renders an efficient and low cost power supply system.
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