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诺西的ADM STATE是什么意思?

时间:02-05 整理:3721RD 点击:

应该是管理员状态 诺西的不熟悉 根据我在华为BSC上面看到的这个管理状态是小区和载频的管理状态,分闭塞、未闭塞和关闭三种;不清楚诺西的是否一样

诺西的ADM  STATE是人工的操作状态的意思

  stat - display file or file system status
  stat [OPTION]... FILE...
  Display file or file system status.
  -L, --dereference
  follow links
  -f, --file-system
  display file system status instead of file status
  -c --format=FORMAT
  use the specified FORMAT instead of the default; output a new?
  line after each use of FORMAT
  like --format, but interpret backslash escapes, and do not out?
  put a mandatory trailing newline. If you want a newline,
  include n in FORMAT
  -t, --terse
  print the information in terse form
  --help display this help and exit
  output version information and exit
  The valid format sequences for files (without --file-system):
  %a Access rights in octal
  %A Access rights in human readable form
  %b Number of blocks allocated (see %B)
  %B The size in bytes of each block reported by %b
  %C SELinux security context string
  %d Device number in decimal
  %D Device number in hex
  %f Raw mode in hex
  %F File type
  %g Group ID of owner
  %G Group name of owner
  %h Number of hard links
  %i Inode number
  %n File name
  %N Quoted file name with dereference if symbolic link
  %o I/O block size
  %s Total size, in bytes
  %t Major device type in hex
  %T Minor device type in hex
  %u User ID of owner
  %U User name of owner
  %x Time of last access
  %X Time of last access as seconds since Epoch
  %y Time of last modification
  %Y Time of last modification as seconds since Epoch
  %z Time of last change
  %Z Time of last change as seconds since Epoch
  Valid format sequences for file systems:
  %a Free blocks available to non-superuser
  %b Total data blocks in file system
  %c Total file nodes in file system
  %d Free file nodes in file system
  %f Free blocks in file system

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