我自己写了一段TQ210板子的串口0裸机驱动,但是不知道为什么,PC上可以接受到板子发过来的数据,但是怎么板子怎么都接受不到PC传过去的数据,请问是啥情况?我自己也试过,非常的确定他就是卡在 while (!(UTRSTAT0 & (1 << 2))); 直到现在都木有弄明白是怎么回事,调试了一天也没发现问题....
- #define GPC0CON *((volatile unsigned int *)0xE0200060)
- #define GPC0DAT *((volatile unsigned int *)0xE0200064)
- int main() __attribute__((section(".main")));
- int main()
- {
- unsigned char c;
- uart_init();
- GPC0CON &= ~(0xFF << 12);
- GPC0CON |= 0x11 << 12; // 配置GPC0_3和GPC0_4为输出
- GPC0DAT |= (0x3 << 3); // 熄灭LED1和LED2
- puts("UART Test in S5PV210");
- puts("1.LED1 Toggle");
- puts("2.LED2 Toggle");
- puts("Please select 1 or 2 to Toggle the LED");
- // putchar('1');
- while (1)
- {
- c = getchar(); // 从串口终端获取一个字符
- putchar(c); // 回显
- putchar('\r');
- if (c == '1')
- GPC0DAT ^= 1 << 3; // 改变LED1的状态
- else if (c == '2')
- GPC0DAT ^= 1 << 4; // 改变LED2的状态
- }
- return 0;
- }
- #define GPA0CON *((volatile unsigned int *)0xE0200000)
- #define ULCON0 *((volatile unsigned int *)0xE2900000)
- #define UCON0 *((volatile unsigned int *)0xE2900004)
- #define UFCON0 *((volatile unsigned int *)0xE2900008)
- #define UTRSTAT0 *((volatile unsigned int *)0xE2900010)
- #define UTXH0 *((volatile unsigned int *)0xE2900020)
- #define URXH0 *((volatile unsigned int *)0xE2900024)
- #define UBRdiv0 *((volatile unsigned int *)0xE2900028)
- #define UdivSLOT0 *((volatile unsigned int *)0xE290002C)
- // #define GPA0CON *((volatile unsigned int *)0xE0200000)
- // #define ULCON0 *((volatile unsigned int *)0xE2900400)
- // #define UCON0 *((volatile unsigned int *)0xE2900404)
- // #define UFCON0 *((volatile unsigned int *)0xE2900408)
- // #define UTRSTAT0 *((volatile unsigned int *)0xE2900410)
- // #define UTXH0 *((volatile unsigned int *)0xE2900420)
- // #define URXH0 *((volatile unsigned int *)0xE2900424)
- // #define UBRdiv0 *((volatile unsigned int *)0xE2900428)
- // #define UdivSLOT0 *((volatile unsigned int *)0xE290042C)
- /* UART0初始化 */
- void uart_init()
- {
- /*
- ** 配置GPA0_0为UART_0_RXD
- ** 配置GPA0_1为UART_0_TXD
- */
- GPA0CON &= ~0xFF;
- GPA0CON |= 0x22;
- GPA0CON &= ~(0xFF<<16);
- GPA0CON |= (0x22<<16);
- /* 8-bits/One stop bit/No parity/Normal mode operation */
- ULCON0 = 0x3;
- /* Interrupt request or polling mode/Normal transmit/Normal operation/PCLK/*/
- UCON0 = 0x5;//1 | (1 << 2) ;//| (1<<5);
- /* 静止FIFO */
- UFCON0 = 0;
- /*
- ** 波特率计算:115200bps
- ** PCLK = 66MHz
- ** div_VAL = (66000000/(115200 x 16))-1 = 35.8 - 1 = 34.8
- ** UBRdiv0 = 34(div_VAL的整数部分)
- ** (num of 1's in UdivSLOTn)/16 = 0.8
- ** (num of 1's in UdivSLOTn) = 12
- ** UdivSLOT0 = 0xDDDD (查表)
- */
- UBRdiv0 = 34;
- UdivSLOT0 = 0xDDDD;
- }
- void putchar(unsigned char c);
- static void uart_send_byte(unsigned char byte)
- {
- while (!(UTRSTAT0 & (1 << 2))); /* 等待发送缓冲区为空 */
- UTXH0 = byte; /* 发送一字节数据 */
- }
- static unsigned char uart_recv_byte()
- {
- while (!(UTRSTAT0 & 1)); /* 等待接收缓冲区有数据可读 */
- return URXH0; /* 接收一字节数据 */
- }
- void putchar(unsigned char c)
- {
- uart_send_byte(c);
- /* 如果只写'\n',只是换行,而不会跳到下一行开头 */
- if (c == '\n')
- uart_send_byte('\r');
- }
- unsigned char getchar()
- {
- unsigned char c;
- c = uart_recv_byte();
- return c;
- }
- void puts(char *str)
- {
- char *p = str;
- while (*p)
- putchar(*p++);
- putchar('\n');
- }