首页 > 研发问答 > 嵌入式设计讨论 > MCU和单片机设计讨论 > arduino中的easydriver,a3967中的 sequences the translator中sequence怎么翻译,translator大概是命令解释器

arduino中的easydriver,a3967中的 sequences the translator中sequence怎么翻译,translator大概是命令解释器

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:
Step Input (STEP).  A low-to-high transition on the
STEP input sequences the translator and advances the
motor one increment.  The translator controls the input to
the DACs and the direction of current flow in each wind-
ing.  The size of the increment is determined by the state
of inputs MS1 and MS2 (see table 1

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