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How is the maximum inductor value in a technology process is determined

时间:04-04 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi I came to know that the maximum value that can be achieved in a technology process is restricted. Could someone eloberate on this. How would I know what is the maximum inductor value that can be designed using a particular technology (PDK). Thanks in advance.

Only PDK Supplier can answer this..There must be max limits..

One limit is the series resistance of the spiral, and
somebody in the foundry design group might pick
a number from an unspecified orifice and declare
it a limit.

If you need Q then you're going to be looking at
smaller inductors (or maybe MxN of them?). I do
not know whether people who do know, play with
arrayed inductors as an alternative to big singles.

If you only look at L value then

Here are some typical values of inductors as well as Q and peak freq in 65nm PDK, Let take a look at it to get more insight of real world process. In essence, the foudary does not recommend us to design with such a high inductance (if > 10 nH, you are supposed to employ off chip inductor for better perfomance) rather than those given in this table because of their low Q.

Have fun !

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