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Creating a matching network for an HFSS antenna array in Ansoft Designer

时间:03-29 整理:3721RD 点击:
I am able to import the HFSS model into circuit view, create a matching network, see how much return loss and coupling I have through the circuit analysis results.

However, I am not able to see how the matching network changes the realized gain. I could do a "link output" for the gain, and multiply it by (1-S11^2) in the circuit results, but that will not be accurate since some elements have significant coupling and the matching of other ports will effect every individual pattern. Is there a built in way of doing this?

If that is not possible, how do I access the complex vector radiation pattern for each element separately. I could come up with a page long equation to combine the results and paste it into the "output variables" window in the Dynamic Link results section.

Can anyone help me on this?

I believe doing "push excitations" calculate the correct amount of coupling between the ports and give the correct directivity. However, the feed losses (which are not in the antenna HFSS model, but modeled as a circuit in the circuit designer) are still not included in the Gain. The gain includes the losses in the 3D HFSS model, but not the losses in the feed.

I solved it. If you go to the antenna Design, plot Directivity*RadiatedPower/(however much a single port is excited in circuit model, for my case 1^2/100) it will plot the true realized gain.

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