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Eigenmode Analysis of non-bounded Structures

时间:03-29 整理:3721RD 点击:
The HFSS eigenmode analysis requires 3D space to solve for the fields. Is it possible to find the modes of a dipole in free space? Here the modes are really more of current densities than fields. Mathematically, this seems to be the same to me, but I don't think it can be implemented in the HFSS eigenmode solver. Does anyone know of an eigenmode analysis method that can find modes of 2D or 1D conductors?

Hi kthackst,

Look up HFSS 18.1's "Characteristic Mode Analysis" solver.

The eigenmode solver also sometimes works OK with hard (i.e., PEC or PMC) boundary conditions relatively far from a structure, giving something that is relatively similar to an open simulation.

Good Luck!

You are completely correct, Characteristic mode analysis is exactly the sort of solver I was looking for! I had never heard of this method before, I'm very excited to give it a spin.

Leaving this here for anyone who finds this thread looking for further reading: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charac..._mode_analysis

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