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Recieve antenna simulations

时间:03-22 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi all,
Any idea as to how to simulate antennas in the recieve mode in CST MWS or HFSS ? I want to study this behaviour separately from the transmit mode even though antennas obey the reciprocity theorem. All inputs are most welcome.


hello svarun,

what parameter do you want to obtain to distinguish the receive and transmit characteristics of the antenna?. As you mention, passive antennas obey the reciprocity principle, and no antenna parameter is thought to identify receive/transmit.

Maybe you are thinking on G/T, and in this case you need as well the properties of the receiver (noise figure), although I dont see how you can enter this variable into the antenna simulation.


Hi dowjones,

I understand fully that antenna temperature and hence noise figure cannot be incorporated into a HFSS/CST simulation.The only thing I am interested in is basically, if I can get a plane wave to impinge on the antenna, and attach a matched load to the antenna output ( input in the Tx case ), can I calculate the power dissipated in the load and going a bit further, is there anyway I can check out the directional preference for the antenna. I know that by reciprocity, all these can be got from the transmit antenna pattern, but I am just curious as to whether, it is possible to simulate such a scenario in commercial software ? Thanks for listeninng.


Hi Svarun,

It's been one year since you post this message. Actually it's a very good topic to continue to discuss here since it's not widely discussed.
To simulate 2 antennas (receive+transmit) in hfss, I used 2 lumped-port. I'm not sure if it's better to use other kind of port.
Did you find out what port to use? What software ?
Thank you for the good discussion.

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