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Anyone know typical values for μ, σ and ε

时间:03-22 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi, I want to ask if anyone know the typical values for μ, σ and ε in free space and metal (any metal) where σ is Electric Conductivity, ε is Permittivity and μ is Permeability.

Thanks for help

Typically, in free space, μ=4Π*10^-17 (H/m), ε=8.854*10^-12 and σ=0.
In most metal, μ and ε usually doesn't change much except for magnetic material such as nickel, cobalt, pure iron and mumetal. σ in metal is typically very high, in the order of 10^7. Hope it help you.

cc=2.99792458e8; %speed of light in free space
pi = 3.14159;
muz=4.0*pi*1.0e-7; %permeability of free space
epsz=1.0/(cc*cc*muz)=8.85e-12; %permittivity of free space
sigma for metal is of order 1.0e+7
sigma for air =0

I wish i help you

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