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请帮我看看hspice 2015版本linux上启动有问题

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:
安装了hspice-2015.06-SP2-3 64位for linux,系统是centos6.8,license也正常启动了,但是用hspice的时候总是在license卡上10分钟才能过去,不知道为什么,请高手看看
[root@xxx bin]# ./hspice /xxx/test/license_test/test/AS/basic/test.sp
Using: /hspice-2015.06-SP2-3/hspice/linux64/hspice/test/license_test/test/xx_AS/basic/test.sp
****** HSPICE -- K-2015.06-SP2-3 linux64 (Feb 18 2016) ******
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Input File: /xxx/test/license_test/test/AS/basic/test.sp
Command line options: /xxx/test/license_test/test/AS/basic/test.sp
lic: FLEXlm: v11.2.1
lic: USER:rootHOSTNAME: alps001
lic: HOSTID: "246e962c5398"PID:23708

就一直在这卡着。license上我能看到 16:21:04 (snpslmd) OUT: "hspice" root@XXX

I have this problem too!

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