- *Generated for: HSPICE
- *Generated on: Feb 28 10:53:03 2014
- *Design library name: CMOS_simulation
- *Design cell name: Constant_current
- *Design view name: schematic
- .global 0
- .option search='e:\hspice_mutisim\st02_model'***这两行是我
- .lib 'st02.lib' tt***添加的库文件
- .temp 25
- .option ARTIST=2 PSF=2
- *Library name: st02
- *Cell name: rhr2k
- *View name: schematic
- .subckt rhr2k_pcell2461 minus plus
- +segR=14.4154K segL=10u segW=1.3u
- xr0 plus minus rhr2k segR M=1 L=segL W=segW
- .ends
- *End of subcircuit definition.
- *Library name: CMOS_simulation
- *Cell name: Constant_current
- *View name: schematic
- v1 net11 0 dc=0
- v0 net025 0 dc=2.5
- xr1 net27 net025 rhr2k_pcell2461 m=1 segR=380.566e3 segL=264e-6 segW=1.3e-6
- mpm1 net19 net19 net025 net025 mp L=5e-6 W=70e-6 AD=84e-12 AS=84e-12 PD=142.4e-6 PS=142.4e-6 M=1
- mpm0 net15 net19 net025 net025 mp L=5e-6 W=70e-6 AD=84e-12 AS=84e-12 PD=142.4e-6 PS=142.4e-6 M=1
- mnm4 net11 net15 net17 0 mn L=5e-6 W=15e-6 AD=15.75e-12 AS=15.75e-12 PD=32.1e-6 PS=32.1e-6 M=1
- mnm8 net15 net17 0 0 mn L=5e-6 W=15e-6 AD=15.75e-12 AS=15.75e-12 PD=32.1e-6 PS=32.1e-6 M=1
- mnm6 net19 net27 0 0 mn L=5e-6 W=15e-6 AD=15.75e-12 AS=15.75e-12 PD=32.1e-6 PS=32.1e-6 M=1
- mnm9 net17 net27 0 0 mn L=5e-6 W=15e-6 AD=15.75e-12 AS=15.75e-12 PD=32.1e-6 PS=32.1e-6 M=1
- mnm7 net27 net27 0 0 mn L=5e-6 W=15e-6 AD=15.75e-12 AS=15.75e-12 PD=32.1e-6 PS=32.1e-6 M=1
- .dc v1 0 5 1
- .end
**error** reference0:segrnot found or not correct type for the element model
it was referenced in element1:xr0
the line number was15
xr0没有定义, HSPICE 网标和Cadence的是不一样的。xr0 plus minus rhr2k segR M=1 L=segL W=segW,这句后面要有调用的subckt名字。