如何确定CT sigma-delta 调制器中电流舵DAC的电流大小
What do you mean ? Just the total Idac*Rint = fbc*Vref, voila!
Your connection is right, but simulation method is not right.
If you do DC simulation, the current will flow into input resistos and that leads to voltage difference.
You should do trans simulation. Actually the current is flowing into the integrator, not the input resistors.
Then you will find out that when there is current flowing into integrator, there is voltage difference at the input of the integrator, but it's small. It means when you design your OTA, you should make sure that Gm of the OTA is much larger than 1/Rint to make the input of your OTA as virtual ground, then the voltage difference at the input will be small.
非常感谢你的回答。我是同时做了DC和Tran仿真,然后分析DC时发现了这个问题,DC的偏离值大约有40mV(DC理想值是900mV);我采用的不是Gm-C积分器,而是active RC积分器电路,那么要消除这种DAC电流流过积分电阻而产生的电压偏离,应该满足什么要求呢?
could u change the format of ur plot, it's 3.5M, too large, I cannot see it
I know you use active-RC.
Actually, the current does not flow into the resistor, it flows into the integrator.
You can't avoid the voltage difference at the input of your OTA. It always exist.
One way to reduce it is to make Gm of you OTA larger. Another is to reduce the output swing of your integrator.
Delta-sigma modulator need time to work properly, which means the output signal in the first seveal hundred nanoseconds is not correct.
According to your describe, you have no input signal. But delta-sigma actually generate kind of random signal to represent your input signal. Why should you always see 1000 ?