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时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:
请问在Cadence里面有没有基于RLCG模型的传输线? 眼前想做个仿真,但是只有RLCG参数,是个有损的理想传输线。在AnalogLib里面有tline model, 但是也需提供delay, electrical length等常数,请问可以从RLCG进行转换吗?

use mtline in analogLib, have fun.

你好,请问如何获取RLCG的参数数据。我也想用mtline做个背板传输的建模,但mtline设置里选择RLCG的话要求给RLCG data file,不晓得这个file可以从何而来。

Hi Perry_C,I use a vector network analyzer (VNA) to measure the S parameters, then convert them to RLCG model. The conversion can be done manually (via Pozar's textbook), or by using a software such as ADS.
Another thing about RLCG model is, it is more accurate in time-domain simulation. If you prefer to get the frequency domain information, then other TL model are also OK. For the details please refer to the application note released by Cadence.
Good luck!

Thank you for your reply !
I have no idea with VNA before...
But I think I can get what I want from ADS or HFSS~
The Cadence application note also helps me much.
Thanks again~^_^

Thank you for your reply!I have no idea with VNA befor ...
But I think I can get what I want from ADS or HFSS~
The Cadence application note also helps me much.
Thanks again ~^_^

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