求代查一IEEE论文,A 2.5V reference based on dual-threshold JFET technology
求助代查一篇IEEE论文,A 37nV/√Hz 2.5V reference based on dual-threshold JFET technology
Bowers, D.F.
Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting, 2008. BCTM 2008. IEEE
Volume , Issue , 13-15 Oct. 2008 Page(s):13 - 16
Digital Object Identifier10.1109/BIPOL.2008.4662702
Summary:A very low-noise voltage reference is described built on a complementary bipolar process with the addition of dual-threshold P-channel JFETs. The difference between the two JFET thresholds exhibits stability and noise suitable for use as the basis of the reference. Additional circuitry amplifies and adjusts the tolerance and temperature coefficient of the threshold difference to create a 2.5 V temperature independent reference voltage capable of operating with supply voltages down to 2.7 volts.
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