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my .cshrc

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:
# SGI and Ultrix combined initial .cshrc filebjd 9/3/92
# This is the default standard .cshrc provided to csh users.
# They are expected to edit it to meet their own needs.
# determine machine architecture:
set machine="`/usr/local/bin/machine`"
if ( `uname` =~ IRIX ) then
#SGI specific section :
stty erase
alias c clear
alias f frm
#setup the PATH
set path=($HOME/bin$HOME/bin/$machine /local/bin/usr/bsd \
/usr/bin/X11/usr/local/unsupported/etc/usr/etc . )
setenv SGI_SET_PATH "true"
set hname=`hostname | sed 's/\..*//'`
if ($?prompt) then
if ( -o /bin/su ) then
set prompt = "`hostname | sed 's/\..*//'`[\!]# "
set prompt = "$hname-${cwd:t}:%h >"
#set prompt = "`hostname`[\!] "
set ignoreeof noclobber savehist=1000
#alias rm 'rm -i'
stty intr "^C" kill "" echoe
alias ls 'ls -C'
#Ultrix/SUN OSspecific section :
if (-f .testrc && $?prompt) then
source .testrc
rm .testrc
set path=( $HOME/bin/$machine /usr/ucb /bin \
/usr/bin /usr/local/X11 /usr/local/bin \
/usr/local/doc /usr/local/unsupported /usr/etc . )
#/usr/local/doc /usr/local/unsupported /etc /usr/etc . )
if ($?prompt) then
if (! $?TERM ) then
setenv TERM vt100
echo $TERM
if ($?DISPLAY) then
setenv WMHOST `echo $DISPLAY | sed -e 's/\:[0-9].*//'`
alias c clear
alias f from
#set prompt = "`hostname`[\!] "
set hname=`hostname | sed 's/\..*//'`
set prompt = "$hname-${cwd:t}:%h >"
set ignoreeof savehist=1000
#set ignoreeof noclobber savehist=1000
#Set Terminal Type
if ($machine == "hp" ) then
stty erase '^?' kill '' intr '^C' susp '^Z'
tset -I -Q
umask 077
set mail = (300 /usr/spool/mail/$USER)
setenv mybin $HOME/bin/$machine
setenv EDITOR /usr/ucb/vi
limit coredumpsize 0
#alias rm "rm -i"
alias pd pushd
alias pop popd
alias help apropos
alias c clear
#setenv PRINTER lp # change for new default printer
# end of Ultrix section.
# Add your aliases common on all the systems here.
alias cd 'cd \!*;set prompt="$hname-${cwd:t}:%h >"'
alias pushd 'pushd \!*;set prompt="$hname-${cwd:t}:! >"'
alias popd'popd \!*;set prompt="$hname-${cwd:t}:! >"'
alias pu 'pushd \!*;set prompt="$hname-${cwd:t}:! >"'
alias po 'popd \!*;set prompt="$hname-${cwd:t}:! >"'
alias h history
alias ls "ls -Fa"
alias l "ls -lFa"
alias c 'clear'
alias lo 'logout'
alias fi 'finger'
alias d 'dirs'
alias h 'history'
alias me 'setenv DISPLAY pcecs212-1.cs.umbc.edu:0.0'
alias magic 'magic -d XWIND7'
alias irsim 'irsim scmos1_6um.prm'
alias reduce 'psnup -l -nup 4 -c -b4'
alias pplot pplot -p $HOME/cad/magic/magic6.45/lib/pplot/pat.scmos.color -C -o
#alias athome 'setenv DISPLAY cc643549-a.rdc1.md.home.com:0'
alias athome 'setenv DISPLAY'
set history = 100
set notify
unset autologout
umask 077
limit coredumpsize 0
setenv EDITORvi
setenv VISUALvi
setenv NAME'Jim Plusquellic'
setenv ENSCRIPT -fCourier10
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/local/X11/lib:/usr/local/openwin/lib:/cds/ldv/tools/lib:/usr/dt/
setenv OPENWINHOME /usr/openwin
setenv XNLSPATH /usr/lib/X11/nls
setenv XKEYSYMDB /usr/openwin/lib/XKeysymDB
# ===========================CADENCE STUFF =========================
#---- Cadence user setup ----------------------------------------------
# see local/environment/environment for the full setup script we use at
# N.C. State.
setenv MANPATH .
setenv CDS_DIR /cs/ic
setenv LDV_DIR /cs/ldv
setenv ICC_DIR /cs/icc
setenv cdk_dir /cs/ic/local
setenv UNAME /bin/uname
#setenv CDS_LIC_QA_TesT lic.log
# replace $CDS_DIR below with the root directory of your Cadence
# installation, and $UNAME with the full path to your uname executable
set base_dir = "$CDS_DIR"
set uname= "$UNAME"
# These are paths to the STREAM release directories (e.g. where IC 4.4.5
# lives); change these to fit your site
setenv IC $base_dir
setenv LDV $LDV_DIR
setenv ICC $ICC_DIR
setenv CDS $base_dir
setenv CDS_LIC_FILE $CDS/share/license/license.80b051e6
setenv TERM $term
# the lib path setup looks at $CDS_SITE/cdssetup to find the "setup.loc"
# file (other things, like prependNCSUCDKInstallPath(), need $CDS_SITE
# as well)
# note that "$cdk_dir" below is the local/ directory created when you
# untarred the CDK distribution
setenv CDS_SITE $cdk_dir
# if you did a "relocatable installation",
# set USE_NCSU_CDK to access the CDK features
# use analog netlister for everything
setenv CDS_Netlisting_Mode Analog
# Path additions
alias prepend 'if (-d \!:2) if ("$\!:1" \!~ *"\!:2"*) setenv \!:1 "\!:2"{\!:1}'
alias extend'if (-d \!:2) if ("$\!:1" \!~ *"\!:2"*) setenv \!:1 ${\!:1}:\!:2'
prepend PATH $LDV/tools/bin
prepend PATH $LDV/tools/dfII/bin
prepend PATH $IC/tools/bin
prepend PATH $IC/tools/dfII/bin
prepend PATH $IC/tools/concice/bin
prepend PATH $IC/tools/dracula/bin
prepend PATH $ICC/tools/bin
prepend PATH $ICC/tools/dfII/bin
prepend PATH $ICC/tools/iccraft/bin
extend MANPATH $LDV/share/man
extend MANPATH $IC/share/man
extend MANPATH $IC/tools/man
prepend LD_LIBRARY_PATH $LDV/tools/lib
prepend LD_LIBRARY_PATH $IC/tools/lib
# this next one sets a path to our wrapper script; the script
# removes this PATH component to unmask the real executable. ONLY USE
# THIS IF YOU"RE USING THE local/bin/dfiiwrapper.pl SCRIPT.
setenv PATH $CDS/binPATH
#---- Start clsbd -----------------------------------------------------
# clsbd should always be running when we start cadence tools
# note that "bar" is a simple suid root program that starts clsbd (the
# theory is that if it's running as root, a userland process is less
# likely to take it down, and it won't be killed when the user logs out.
# we want this because clsbd needs to be running on all workstations
# that run cadence tools so it can respond to queries about locks. see
# chapter 11 of "Cadence Application Infrastructure User Guide" for more
# info on cls.)
if (( "`${uname} -sr`" == "SunOS 5.4") || ( "`${uname} -sr`" == "SunOS 5.5.1") || ( "`${uname} -sr`" == "SunOS 5.6")) then
$CDS_SITE/bin/bar > /dev/null
$IC/tools/bin/clsbd > /dev/null
unset base_dir uname
#---- End of Cadence Setup --------------------------------------
# ===========================END CADENCE STUFF =========================

#DO NOT USE magic6.3 for extresis extraction !
setenv CAD_DIR $HOME/cad
setenv CAD_HOME $HOME/cad/magic/magic6.45/
setenv OCTTOOLS $CAD_DIR/Octtools5.0/sun4
alias log 'cd $CAD_DIR/log/log/lib;diglog'
setenv PATH {$PATH}HOME/bin/sun4m_55:$HOME/bin/sgi:$HOME/fm2html/src
setenv PATH {$PATH}:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/local/X11/bin
setenv PATH {$PATH}:$CAD_DIR/magic/magic6.45/bin:/usr/openwin/bin
setenv PATH {$PATH}:$CAD_DIR/spice3/bin/:$CAD_DIR/log/bin:/etc
setenv PATH {$PATH}:/afs/umbc.edu/sgi_62/depot/gl/oldlocal/engr/magic/vhdl/bin
setenv MANPATH .:$HOME/man:$CAD_DIR/spice3/man:/usr/man:/usr/local/man
setenv MANPATH {$MANPATH}:$CAD_DIR/magic/man:/usr/local/X11/man
setenv MANPATH {$MANPATH}:/usr/local/gnu/man:/cds/man
setenv MANPATH {$MANPATH}:$HOME/fm2html/man
setenv PITT_VHDL /usr/local
setenv PRINTER cs1post
cd .
#setenv PATH {$PATH}:$OCTTOOLS/bin:$CAD_DIR/chipmunk/@sys/bin
#setenv PATH {$PATH}:$CAD_DIR/vhdl/bin
#setenv PATH {$PATH}:$CAD_DIR/xcanvas/bin
#setenv PATH {$PATH}:/usr/local/frame/bin
#setenv PATH {$PATH}:$CAD_DIR/sls/@sys/bin:
#setenv PATH {$PATH}:$CAD_DIR/SNNSv4.1/xgui/bin/sun_solaris
#setenv PATH {$PATH}:$CAD_DIR/space/bin:/usr/local/contrib/bin
#setenv PATH {$PATH}:$CAD_DIR/attest/release/sparc_sunos4_33/bin
#setenv PATH {$PATH}:$CAD_DIR/milef/@sys/bin
#setenv PATH {$PATH}:/usr/local/share/frame/bin:.
#setenv PATH {$PATH}:/usr/local/gnu/bin
#set SYS = `/usr/afsws/bin/fs sysname | sed -e "s/'//g" -e "s/.* //"`
#setenv TDX_ROOT /afs/cs/projects/optics/cad/attest/release/sparc_sunos4_33
#setenv STDCELL_LIB $CAD_DIR/OCTTOOLS/Octtools5.0/common/lib
#setenv POWERVIEW /afs/cs.pitt.edu/projects/optics/powerview/@sys
#setenv WDIR ~jimp/powerview/standard:${POWERVIEW}/standard
#setenv XENVIRONMENT ~jimp
#setenv XAPPLRESDIR ~jimp
#setenv BIBFRAMEBIN /afs/cs.pitt.edu/usr0/don/public/bibframe/bf_test/bin
#setenv BIBFRAMEREF /afs/cs.pitt.edu/usr0/jimp/phd/degree/refs/jimp
#setenv BIBFRAMEBST mmlalpha
#set path = ($path $BIBFRAMEBIN)
#setenv FMHOME /usr/local/share/frame4.0
#CIS maker license server - eland.labs.cis.pitt.edu
#alias magic 'magic6.45 -d XWIND7 -T auescmos'
#alias magic 'magic6.44 -d XWIND7'
#alias magic 'magic -d XWIND7'
#alias magic 'magic6.3 -d XWIND7'
#alias magic 'magic6.43 -d XWIND7'
#setenv ICDPATH /afs/cs.pitt.edu/projects/optics/cad/space
#setenv ICDUSERNAME jimp
# This must be your very last lines. Please do not add anything after
# these lines.
if ( -f /usr/local/etc/system.cshrc ) then
source /usr/local/etc/system.cshrc





setenv CDS_LIC_FILE $CDS/share/license/license.80b051e6 your hostid ?


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