Help me! How to find the time constant of a current mirror.
Willy Sansen said: All time constants in that loop are of the same order of magnitude, they create a system with several poles.As a result, peaking can occur in the current transfer characteristic.
My questions are listed below.
1. How to find the time constants of a modified Wilison current mirror, left figure?
2. How to find the poles of this current mirror and explain why it results into a peaking of its current transfer characteristic.
Thanks you for your kindly help.You reply will be highly apprecialted.
My questions are listed below.
1. How to find the time constants of a modified Wilison current mirror, left figure?
2. How to find the poles of this current mirror and explain why it results into a peaking of its current transfer characteristic.
Thanks you for your kindly help.You reply will be highly apprecialted.
may be you can draw the small signal by yourselves and then calculate the rcof each stage.
同意这个观点,有了反馈自然会有出现complex poles的可能,如若Q值太大,就有peaking了