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Next Generation Analog and Mixed Signal Design Forum

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:
Next Generation Analog and Mixed Signal Design Forum
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Next Generation Analog Mixed Signal Design System
Mr. Jim Solomon'x-s ^H}{'E
80% of SoC design starts now contain analog and mixed signal (AMS) components. This increase in AMS importance, coupled with the short time-to-market dictated by today’s consumer electronics, is putting pressure on existing design tools and methodologies. Mr. Solomon is the founder of Cadence Design Systems and has driven the development of AMS design tools that are in use by most analog design teams. He will discuss the emerging challenges seen in today’s SoC designs, and share his viewpoint on the most important tools and flows needed for a next generation AMS design system.C)ui QR5X2_7P'y

Parameterized Cells (PCells) are the building blocks of analog and mixed signal design implementation. PyCell Studio is a next generation PCell technology that enables the creation of complex PCells that support conditional rules in 90nm and below processes. This talk will cover the recent advancement in technology to support advanced PCell authoring.ax R:C6an
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Analog and mixed signal layout development and migration for integrated SoC’s has always presented many challenges; however, recently, given the dramatic increases in design-rule complexity and mask costs, these challenges have become extreme. This is additionally coupled with ever increasing market pressure on IP developers to improve design turnaround and migration time. In these scenarios, computational technology must come to the fore and be leveraged to develop agile, flexible, and reliable automated layout methodologies. In this presentation, we will examine some of the challenges in advanced automated custom device-level layout generation and explore various approaches and solutions to the problem.
Mr. Kevin Steptoe#W,u#@.d!T&q:?[
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The talk will describe an advanced approach to the automation of routing particularly appropriate for the layout of analog, mixed signal and custom digital designs. The paper contrasts gridded (switchbox) and gridless (shape based) routing approaches for this application. The theme is developed to highlight the requirements of a complete routing system in which the balance between user interactivity and push button automation is achieved and crucially, in which comprehensive (electrical and physical) hierarchical constraints drive the result, providing the communication between designer intent in the front end and implementation in the back end.


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