关于ZStack和ZigBee 3.0的几个问题请大神确认一下!
1.ZigBee3.0的Router和Coordiantor设备必须支持Green Power吗?看见TI的文档有介绍说过Z3认证必须支持,但是上次去测试机构,他们说已过Z3认证的有些Router设备也不支持Green Power,现在比较不确定?
3.ZigBee 3.0 的Router设备都必须支持组建Distribute Security Network吗?我看ZIgBee官方BDB(6.1)文档的描述是:ZigBee Router在无法加入其它centralized or distributed security network的情况下可以组建Distribute Security Network,这里用的是“可以组建”而不是“必须要组建”?
1. Yes, Zigbee 3.0 coordinator and router should support Green Power Proxy.
2. Try to set BDB_DEFAULT_TC_REQUIRE_KEY_EXCHANGE to FALSE on coordinator which will allow Zigbee HA devices to stay.
3. ZigBee 3 Router can support the formation of Distribute Security Network but I am not sure if it's mandatory.
It's nice,Thank you for support!