这边修改了最大节点数目,NWK_MAX_DEVICE_LIST 为30.
现象1 组网的时候发现设备低于30个的时候可以组网成功
现象2 但是设备大于30个的时候,只能组网7个。查看AssociatedDevList,发现数据满了,但是节点根本就没有组网。
* f8wConfig.cfg
* Compiler command-line options used to define a TI Z-Stack ZigBee device.
* To move an option from here to the project file, comment out or delete the
* option from this file and enter it into the "Define Symbols" box under the
* Preprocessor tab of the C/C++ Compiler Project Options. New user defined
* options may be added to this file, as necessary.
* Each macro is prefixed with '-D'. The entries are to be constructed as if
* they are to be on the compiler command line invocation (which they are).
* NOTE: The RHS (Right-Hand-Side) must be quoted if there are embedded blanks.
* See the DEFAULT_KEY definition for an example.
/* Enable ZigBee-Pro */
/* Set to 0 for no security, otherwise non-0 */
/* Enable the Reflector */
/* Default channel is Channel 11 - 0x0B */
// Channels are defined in the following:
// 0 : 868 MHz 0x00000001
// 1 - 10 : 915 MHz 0x000007FE
// 11 - 26 : 2.4 GHz 0x07FFF800
//-DMAX_CHANNELS_868MHZ 0x00000001
//-DMAX_CHANNELS_915MHZ 0x000007FE
//-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x04000000 // 26 - 0x1A
//-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x02000000 // 25 - 0x19
//-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x01000000 // 24 - 0x18
//-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x00800000 // 23 - 0x17
//-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x00400000 // 22 - 0x16
//-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x00200000 // 21 - 0x15
//-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x00100000 // 20 - 0x14
//-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x00080000 // 19 - 0x13
//-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x00040000 // 18 - 0x12
//-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x00020000 // 17 - 0x11
//-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x00010000 // 16 - 0x10
//-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x00008000 // 15 - 0x0F
//-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x00004000 // 14 - 0x0E
//-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x00002000 // 13 - 0x0D
//-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x00001000 // 12 - 0x0C
-DDEFAULT_CHANLIST=0x00000800 // 11 - 0x0B
/* Define the default PAN ID.
* Setting this to a value other than 0xFFFF causes
* ZDO_COORD to use this value as its PAN ID and
* Routers and end devices to join PAN with this ID
/* Minimum number of milliseconds to hold off the start of the device
* in the network and the minimum delay between joining cycles.
/* Mask for the random joining delay. This value is masked with
* the return from osal_rand() to get a random delay time for
* each joining cycle. This random value is added to NWK_START_DELAY.
* For example, a value of 0x007F will be a joining delay of 0 to 127
* milliseconds.
/* Minimum number of milliseconds to delay between each beacon request
* in a joining cycle.
/* Mask for the random beacon request delay. This value is masked with the
* return from osal_rand() to get a random delay time for each joining cycle.
* This random value is added to DBEACON_REQUEST_DELAY. For example, a value
* of 0x00FF will be a beacon request delay of 0 to 255 milliseconds.
/* Jitter mask for the link status report timer. This value is masked with the
* return from osal_rand() to add a random delay to _NIB.nwkLinkStatusPeriod.
* For example, a value of 0x007F allows a jitter between 0-127 milliseconds.
/* in seconds; set to 0 to turn off route expiry */
/* This number is used by polled devices, since the spec'd formula
* doesn't work for sleeping end devices. For non-polled devices,
* a formula is used. Value is in 2 milliseconds periods
/* Default indirect message holding timeout value:
* 1-65535 (0 -> 65536) X CNT_RTG_TIMER X RTG_TIMER_INTERVAL
/* The number of simultaneous route discoveries in network */
/* The maximum number of retries allowed after a transmission failure */
/* Max number of times retry looking for the next hop address of a message */
/* Number of times retry to poll parent before indicating loss of synchronization
* with parent. Note that larger value will cause longer delay for the child to
* rejoin the network.
/* The number of items in the broadcast table */
/* The maximum number of groups in the groups table */
/* Number of entries in the regular routing table plus additional
* entries for route repair
/* Maximum number of entries in the Binding table. */
/* Maximum number of cluster IDs for each binding table entry.
* Note that any value other than the default value may cause a
* compilation warning but Device Binding will function correctly.
/* Default security key. */
-DDEFAULT_KEY="{0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04}"
//-DDEFAULT_KEY="{0x01, 0x03, 0x05, 0x07, 0x09, 0x0B, 0x0D, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x02, 0x04, 0x06, 0x08, 0x0A, 0x0C, 0x0D}"
/* Reset when ASSERT occurs, otherwise flash LEDs */
/* Set the MAC MAX Frame Size (802.15.4 default is 102) */
/* Minimum transmissions attempted for Channel Interference detection,
* Frequency Agility can be disabled by setting this parameter to zero.
/* Compiler keywords */
-DCONST="const __code"
* The following are for End Devices only
/* The number of milliseconds to wait between data request polls to the coordinator. */
/* This is used after receiving a data indication to poll immediately
* for queued messages...in milliseconds.
/* This is used after receiving a data confirmation to poll immediately
* for response messages...in milliseconds
/* This is used as an alternate response poll rate only for rejoin request.
* This rate is determined by the response time of the parent that the device
* is trying to join.
/* Common To All Applications */
-DCPU32MHZ // CC2530s Run at 32MHz
-DROOT=__near_func // MAC/ZMAC code in NEAR
/* MAC Settings */
/* Coordinator Settings */
-DZDO_COORDINATOR // Coordinator Functions
-DRTR_NWK // Router Functions
协调器配置打开了/* Enable ZigBee-Pro */ -DZIGBEEPRO,使用的MESH网络。
1 节点超过30个,就只能组网7个,而且发现AssociatedDevList会被占满。
2 节点少于30个,可以一次性组网成功。
关联表的删除可以用 AssocList.h 文件中的函数,也可以直接在 NV区中删除
AssocList.h 文件中的函数部分代码如下:
AddrMgrEntry_t addrEntry;
NLME_LeaveReq_t req;
uint8 i = Z_EXTADDR_LEN + 1;
// Set up device info
addrEntry.user = ADDRMGR_USER_DEFAULT;
addrEntry.index = index;
if (AddrMgrEntryGet( &addrEntry ))
for (i = 0; i < Z_EXTADDR_LEN; i++ )
if ( addrEntry.extAddr != 0 ){ break;}
if(i < Z_EXTADDR_LEN){
// Remove device
req.extAddr = addrEntry.extAddr;
req.removeChildren = TRUE;
req.rejoin = TRUE;
req.silent = FALSE;
NLME_LeaveReq( &req );
另外较新版本的协议栈内加入了CHILD AGING功能,您可以点击以下链接获取详细说明:
好的 谢谢Susan
这个是很正常的,在AssociatedDevList中,节点反复rejoin就有可能造成关联表被塞满,最后在节点进行associate request的时候,无法给节点分配内存空间,而导致无法响应associate request的请求,最终的现象就是节点一直在beacon request。
第一种、就是通过ZStack官方的那个child age的管理,官方提供的肯定方便嘛,不过我自己觉得有点麻烦。