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CC2530 ED掉线功耗问题

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:




If the end device loses its parent while polling, it scans the currently active channel and attempts a secure rejoin, if it
can’t find its network it will attempt a scan of all channels. If attempts fail for a secure rejoin (current and all
channels), the network key is removed and the device will attempt a trust center rejoin (unsecure).

When an end device is aged out, it will attempt to rejoin the network. Rejoin does not depend on state of Associate
Permit flag. When the end device is in rejoin state (scan and rejoin attempts), it will be in the rejoin state for a
defined period of time (15 minutes default) and then goes into a back off period(silent state) (15 minutes default),
then cycle back to the rejoin state. These durations can be configured by using the API functions -
ZDApp_SetRejoinScanDuration() and ZDApp_SetRejoinBackoffDuration().

谢谢您的解答,我们用的是zstack mesh1.0的。

您好!TI老大们,但是我们用的zstack mesh1.0,这个又该怎么处理呢?谢谢

mesh1.0没有这个功能。 你可以参考HA的实现,这两个函数的代码是开放的。


上面给的回复里已经说明了,就是尝试重新加入设定一个时间,如果这段时间无法完成加入的操作,就back off一段事件再尝试rejoin.


when the end device is in rejoin state (scan and rejoin attempts), it will be in the rejoin state for a
defined period of time (15 minutes default) and then goes into a back off period(silent state) (15 minutes default),
then cycle back to the rejoin state.

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